The ultimate in breast care! This beautifully presented Breast Care Kit contains 100ml bottle of Happy Breast Balm, a dry skin brush, massage mantra and instructions on brushing the body and massaging the breasts. All you need to begin your regular Breast Care Routine and a special gift for any woman who embraces self care.
12 Month In-Depth Reading straight to your Inbox! Medicine Wheel Readings are a simple but profound way, to understand and negotiate, the intricacies of your life’s journey by using Feminine Archetypes that naturally resonate with your divine essence. While I will use your birth date as the catalyst, these readings are based on Ancient Wisdom Teachings and Earth Based Spirituality, which…
The Medicine Wheel is an amazing tool for self-assessment, to see how balanced we are in all aspects of life; physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. This encompasses our relationships to self and others, our jobs and careers, our health and well-being, our self-care and self-responsibility, as well as an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. The Medicine Wheel is…
The Beauty Way is the English translation of a Navajo concept of living in an holistic environment of beauty, balance, harmony and well-being. To Walk in Beauty means to walk in harmony with all things; self, life and others. Get your FREE PDF here!
Are you concerned that your birth won’t go to plan? Are you interested in Holistic birth preparation and support? Have you already given birth and would like to heal unresolved trauma? Would you like to gain more understanding around your pregnancy and birth journey? This is exactly what The Integrated Birthing Journey program is designed to support you with…get ready…
Living your best life with high quality essential oil products...retail or wholesale! Raise your vibration and support transformation from within on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual! Click on "Buy Product" to set up your retail or wholesale account. Please contact Shekinah directly for more support at any time - I am here to help you! Use the Sponsor…