Pregnancy is a time of preparation. There are many things women do to prepare for the birth of their child and to prepare for entering into the unknown, you may find yourself reading birth books, talking to friends, researching birth topics or perhaps even creating a birth plan.
It is normal to have concerns or worries during pregnancy and we can sometimes have a tendency to want to over control, avoid or give our power away when faced with a situation that fills us with discomfort or unease. Pregnancy preparation is a dance, we can all go through different moods and feelings around various topics as our due date approaches. All of these behaviours are perfectly normal and you may encounter all 3 throughout your pregnancy and leading up to the birth of your baby. However, there could be one particular scenario that you find has a little more energy than the others. It can take a lot of energy to avoid something and even before birth there is a mini-fear response in your body every time you feel afraid or go into avoidance or over control. It is healthy to feel afraid sometimes and it can be a strong motivator to learn new things and prepare for the changes and challenges coming your way.
The oxytocin feedback loop that allows a woman to enter into labour land and that keeps labour going, can be interrupted by the adrenaline that is released with a fear response. Due to the power of our minds an imagined fear creates the same adrenaline response as if the actual scary event is happening.
Imagine Lucy (3.2 million year old human ancestor) in labour, if she sees a tiger approaching, her body will be flooded with adrenaline, slowing or stopping her labour so that she can fight or run. If Lucy didn’t see a tiger but just heard a rustling in the bushes and imagines that it is caused by a tiger, she will have the same adrenal response, a tightening and closing of the body and a redirection of blood flow to her extremities and away from her core.
Looking the tiger in the eye and learning how to tame it, helps to build determination and resilience for any unwished for event that the Birth fairy may bring to your birth.
In Beauty
Shekinah Leigh
For more “Birthing From Within” wisdom, visit their website www.birthingfromwithin.com