Hello sisters….while everything I post is always personal, this one is taking it to another level. As an introvert I am always walking the fine line between being completely authentic and deep in my communication and sharing’s, whilst also wanting to protect my privacy and solitude needs…
These last 3 years I have been on an intense healing journey. It’s been such a voyage of discovery and as with most things in my life, I have needed to do it in the ways that felt right to me. There have been so many different opinions, all taking it to the extremes in any direction you can imagine. It can be incredibly confusing and overwhelming trying to negotiate an illness where everyone is an expert and everyone has their own ideas on what works and what doesn’t. The gift of this situation is that I learned that I had to be able to trust in myself, in my body, in my own intuition with whatever it was that I chose to do, or not do to. I can honestly tell you that no-one has agreed with ALL of my choices so far!
This health journey has opened my mind so much to different ways of living, things I never would have done if I didn’t have a life-threatening illness. The motivation that this dis-ease has brought into my life; to live with more integrity, mindfulness and well-being has been enormous and like I said, I have made changes across the board, that I wouldn’t have been able to commit to, if not for this situation.
A large part of my experience has been becoming more and more discerning with what I put on and in my body. I have no choice but to go for the highest quality products, whether it’s house cleaning, beauty regimes or health treatments. My search for purity has led me towards many awesome products and even though, as an introvert, I can find it uncomfortable to do so, I have committed to sharing some of this valuable information with you all. From Women’s Health, Children’s Well-being, Animal Care, Energy Supplements, Beauty Treatments, Emotional Release, Mood Support and so much more, it would be remiss of me, not to share the wealth of knowledge that I have been accumulating during my personal healing Sadhana*.
So many of you have shown me incredible love and support during this time and I truly appreciate it. This is one way that I can give back to each of you, by sharing what I have learned, so that you can trust your own intuition and use the information in whatever way resonates best for you.
Please feel free to ask me questions regarding anything that I am sharing and posting, I am here to help and support you in whatever way I can.
Sending you all so much love
Shekinah Leigh
Sacred Feminine Practitioner
“Honouring the Feminine” through Holistic Care & Support
* Sadhana – dedication to learning something